
Conflict can also be an opportunity for positive change.

Legal proceedings deprive you of the opportunity to decide for yourself which solution suits you best. Mediation and ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) can help you reach an amicable decision that is efficient, cost-effective and sustainable. Because the best solution to any conflict is always the one you find yourself.

Costs and effort are low compared to court proceedings. The process is confidential and neither party “loses face”.


Resources for alternative conflict resolution

Two of our partners have completed mediation training and specialise in ADR in different areas of law. An appropriate procedural design for the respective conflict, in relation to the parties and in consultation with you, is a matter of course.

„We value mediation and ADR as structured and creative processes for dealing with conflicts“

Legal information

Obligations of Lawyer under the German Mediation Act:

Pursuant to Section 253 (III) No. 1 ZPO in the version amended by the Mediation Act, the statement of claim should contain an indication of whether the filing of the action was preceded by an attempt at mediation or another procedure for out-of-court conflict resolution, as well as a statement as to whether there are reasons to oppose such a procedure.

The absence of non-mandatory requirements does not affect the admissibility of the action; this information is optional content of the statement of claim. Nevertheless, the new version of the Code of Civil Procedure means that something has changed at this point: it is now part of the (justiciable!) duty of lawyers to inform the parties of alternative dispute resolution options.