Dr. Jan Tibor Lelley, LL.M. (Suffolk University Law School)

Rechtsanwalt, Fachanwalt für Arbeitsrecht

Jan-Tibor Lelley, Rechtsanwalt der Kanzlei Buse Heberer Fromm

Jan-Tibor Lelley, Rechtsanwalt der Kanzlei Buse Heberer Fromm

Jan-Tibor Lelley, Rechtsanwalt der Kanzlei Buse Heberer Fromm

Jan-Tibor Lelley, Rechtsanwalt der Kanzlei Buse Heberer Fromm

Dr Jan Tibor Lelley is a Partner at BUSE in the firm’s Essen and Frankfurt am Main office and he is a member of BUSE’s Practice Group Employment. Dr Jan Tibor Lelley works exclusively on labour and employment law cases. He holds an LL.M. in International Business Law from Suffolk University Law School and is admitted to the bar as certified specialist for labour and employment law (Fachanwalt für Arbeitsrecht). The State Bar of California appointed him as Foreign Legal Consultant.

With more than 20 years of professional experience, he advises employers and HR executives on a full range of HR-related legal issues. Key areas of his practice include design of employment agreements, co-determination at the workplace, union and works council controlling, HR-focused corporate restructuring, data privacy and social media at the workplace. Dr Jan Tibor Lelley regularly lectures on the topic of human resources best practice, and authors numerous articles in legal journals and the business press.

He represents national and international clients from a broad variety of industries. Among them are many market leaders in the field of financial services, information technology, hospitality, automotive and life science. Besides his out of court practice another important area is his in-court representation including litigation in front of the Federal Labor Court and the European Court of Justice.

Dr. Lelley is recommended by the legal press as one of the eminent European management side employment advisors and Who’s Who Legal voted him since 2016 under the world’s Leading Labour, Employment & Benefits Lawyers. In 2019 Who’s Who Legal included him in Thought Leaders – Labour & Employment Law.

My Hidden Secret, Reorganization, A Labor and Employment Law Guide to Restructuring in Germany, Dr. Jan Tibor Lelley, Tobias Grambow, Dr. Felix Hebert, Rechtsanwälte der Kanzlei Buse Heberer Fromm

My Hidden Secrets, Reorganization

A Labor and Employment Law Guide to Restructuring in Germany by Dr Jan Tibor Lelley, Tobias Grambow and Dr Julia Bruck
Employment Law in Germany, My Hidden Secrets by Dr. Jan Tibor Lelley, Buse Heberer Fromm

My Hidden Secrets: Employment Law in Germany

It is also available online, as Employment Law in Germany on the go.



Arbeitnehmerhaftung aktuell – Herausforderungen und Perspektiven, Dr. Jan Tibor Lelley, Rejin Sherzad Ahmed // AuA, Arbeit und Arbeitsrecht, Ausgabe 9, September 2024

The New EU Pay Transparency Directive – A Glance at Key Elements of the New Rules, Dr. Jan Tibor Lelley, Dr. Klaus Neumann // USLAW Magazine Spring 2024

Betriebsverfassung Going Green – Wird ESG zum Spielball der Mitbestimmung?, Dr. Jan Tibor Lelley, Cara Hahn // Der Betrieb, Nr. 10, 03/2024

Stresstest für die Plattformwirtschaft? – Einige Gedanken zum Vorschlag der EU-Richtlinie zu Arbeitsbedingungen in der Plattformarbeit, Dr. Lelley, LL. M./Dr. Bruck // RdA 2023, 257

THE GOOD, THE BAD AND THE AWKWARD – How to successfully use compromise agreements in Germany, Jan Tibor Lelley, Frederike Meermann // Labour & Employment Expert Guide 2023

14th edition of The Employment Law Review: Germany, Dr. Jan Tibor Lelley, Dr. Julia Bruck // Law Business Research 2023

The “S” in ESG – European Union sets new legal framework for Social Governance, Dr. Jan Tibor Lelley, Dr. Yuanyuan Yin // USLAW Magazine 2023

Aktivisten im Betrieb, Dr. Lelley/Dr. Yin/Rose // AuA, Arbeit und Arbeitsrecht, Ausgabe 1, Januar 2023

Verschlechternde Änderung eines Arbeitsvertrags hinsichtlich der Vergütung von Fahrtzeiten durch Verweis auf das Protokoll einer Betriebsversammlung, kommentiert von Dr. Jan Tibor Lelley  und Diana Ruth Bruch // EWiR, Heft 23, 2022

Das Beschwerdeverfahren nach Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz, Dr. Jan Tibor Lelley // ZAU – Zeitschrift für Arbeitsrecht im Unternehmen, Heft 11-12, 2022


Vorträge & Seminare

Herr Lelley hält regelmäßig Vorträge und Seminare u. a. zu folgenden Themen: